Curtain Raiser: Human Rights Day 2021

New Delhi, 07th December, 2021

Human Rights Day is celebrated on the 10th December every year to commemorate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). It was adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1948. It is a global standard yard stick to protect and promote human rights. The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), India sees in the celebration of Human Rights Day an opportunity for various stakeholders in the world to introspect and look forward to their actions and duties to ensure that they do not become reasons for violation of human rights.

To mark the Human Rights Day, the NHRC, India, is organizing a programme on the 10th December, 2021 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. The President of India, Mr. Ramnath Kovind will grace and address the function as the Chief Guest in the presence of NHRC Mr. Justice Arun Mishra, Members, Mr. Justice M.M. Kumar, Mrs. Jyotika Kalra, Dr. D.M. Mulay, Mr. Rajiv Jain, Secretary General, Mr. Bimbadhar Pradhan, other senior officers, Members of the Statutory Commission, SHRCs, Diplomats, civil society, among others.

The inherent spirit of the UDHR is that all human beings are born free and have right to life, liberty and security of person, equality before law and equal protection of law and freedom of thought, conscience, religion, opinion and expression. This spirit of giving importance to the protection of human rights is also embedded in the Constitution of India from which the Protection of Human Rights Act (PHRA), 1993 also derives strength.

Since its inception on the 12th October, 1993, under the PHRA, the NHRC, India’s contribution to the cause of human rights in the country, in line with the discussions at different world bodies including Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) and Asia Pacific Forum (APF), is a well-recognized fact. The impassioned appeal of the NHRC, India Chairperson, Mr. Justice Arun Mishra in the recent past that the right to life should prevail over the right of the patent holder in the 48th Regular Session of United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in the backdrop of COVID Pandemic is one such example.

The NHRC, India is compliant of Paris Principles of United Nations for the National Human Rights Institutions (NHRI) and remains an `A’ grade Accredited NHRI with the GANHRI for the promotion and protection of human rights, and has been part of four Universal Periodical Review (UPR) since it began in 2006 for assessing the human rights situation of UN member states and their NHRIs. It is also a Founder Member of the Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (APF) since 1994 and at present is also a member of its Governing Council.

The NHRC, India has consistently striven for ensuring protection of civil and political rights as well as economic, social and cultural rights. The Commission has also made significant contributions towards mainstreaming a human rights-centered approach in the government policies and programmes as well as for creating human rights awareness and sensitization among public authorities and civil society through its various programs and initiatives.

Even during the COVID Pandemic, the Commission continued to engage itself in dialogue with civil society, NGOs, experts, Statutory Commission Members, State Human Rights Commissions, Government functionaries, in line with COVID-19 guidelines, on the issues related with the septic tank and hazardous cleaning workers, bonded labourers, water and sanitation, leprosy affected persons, issues of destitute widows, criminal justice reforms, among others. Its 21 Advisories (apart from modified version of one Advisory) during Covid-19 Pandemic are a result of its wide consultation with different stakeholders.

The Commission also conducted various meetings reviewing the legal provisions in the country in line with the essence of Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Besides, two important research proposals were also approved on Social security and Health Rights of Migrant Workers and Vulnerability, Legal Protection and Work Condition of Domestic Workers during this year.

The NHRC is also promoting human rights education and awareness. It’s flagship 5 short term online internship during the last December and till date, benefited hundreds of University students from across the country. During this period, it also organized 20 online human rights awareness programmes in collaboration with the National Service Scheme, NSS and Nehru Yuvak Kendra Sangathan, NYKS.

It’s All India Moot Court Competition for the budding lawyers and annual debate competition for the Central Armed Police Forces, Competition for Short Films on human rights are some of the major activities for creating awareness on human rights issues involving citizens of the country. The NHRC has also embarked upon a pilot project to improve access to justice to the prisoners in Delhi through Legal Aid system by fostering sense of public service amongst the law students.

Besides, holding several VCs with different state authorities to expedite the submission of reports for quick disposal of cases, one of the latest major decisions of the Commission has been to revive its public/open hearing mechanism w.e.f. 14th December, 2021 to expand its outreach with improvement in COVID situation.

Since 1st December, 2020 to 30th November, 2021, the Commission has registered 1,02,441 cases including 16 cases of suo motu cognizance and disposed of 96,804. An amount of Rs.15,35,55,840/- has been recommended as relief to the victims of human rights violations in 469 cases. In line with its endeavour to expand its outreach and expeditious disposal of cases has further expanded its HRCNet Portal by taking on board various State Human Rights Commissions to help reduce duplication of complaints and also make easy tracking the status of the complaints.
