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Women’s Rights in India An Analytical Study The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) The Indian Constitution, Legislations, Schemes, Policies & Judgements 2021

This is 23rd issue of the Journal of NHRC.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Combating

Forensic Science and Human Rights

This booklet titled “Forensic Investigation of Health Rights Violation in custody” has been prepared to assist different investigators like police, judicial officers, NHRC medical investigation team, forensic experts involved in investigations of NHRC cases, the doctors providing treatment to the custodial patients and the doctors conducting post-mortem in cases of custodial deaths. To acknowledge the health rights of the prisoner, an attempt has being made through this booklet to make all the stakeholders understand the various dynamics playing role in providing healthcare services. Although it is very difficult to include and elaborate all the issues, but effort has been made to include maximum topics of interest in forensic investigation relevant to health rights violation.

Advisories issued by NHRC to protect human rights

Overview of National Human Rights Commission, its functions and various activities

The Bonded Labour System is an evil and wherever it exists, it reminds of the dark ages in the history of human kind. The Indian Society has been developing with the gradual effort to fight with this social menace.