RTI Act 2005

Guidelines for the Officers Designated as Central Public Information Officer Under the Right to Information Act , 2005

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Report of Transparency Audit Self Appraisal of NHRC ( Year 2023-2024) [Click here for accessing Report of Transparency Audit Self Appraisal of NHRC ( Year 2023-2024)]

Report of Transparency Audit Self Appraisal of NHRC ( Year 2022-2023) [Click here for accessing Report of Transparency Audit Self Appraisal of NHRC ( Year 2022-2023)]

RTI: Quarterly Return Form (2024-2025) till December, 2024 [Click here for accessing RTI: Quarterly Return Form (2024-2025) till December, 2024)]

Quarterly Report of RTI applications [Click here for accessing Quarterly Report of RTI applications]

1. Particulars of NHRC’s Organization, Functions and Duties

The National Human Rights Commission was set up in the year 1993 under the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. The NHRC has the following constituent Divisions:-

a. Law Division:

It deals with the matters relating to human rights violations either on its own or on a request by a party, provides hearing to the parties in appropriate cases depending upon the facts and circumstances of each case.

b. Investigation Division:

It deals with the matters / cases entrusted to it by the Commission including custodial death and finding facts from state authorities regarding cases of alleged Human Rights violations and conducting sport enquiries.

c. Administration Division:

It deals with the overall management of General Administration, Establishment, Coordination & International Issues, Accounts and Hindi Section.

Information & Public Relations / Publications:

The important function is to create human rights awareness through print/electronic media, website and printing of various publications, advocacy materials etc.

d. Training & Research Division:

It deals with need of training in the different categories of officials and non-officials, institutions / organizations etc. Networking with national/state level institutions (both Government/ Non-Government/ UN institutions) etc.

Policy Research Projects and Programme Division:

It deals with the matters relating to Policy, Research, Projects and Programme such as Food Security, Women Education. Quality Assurance in Mental Hospitals, Monitoring of working of Protection Homes, Jails, Bonded Labour etc.

Computer Cell : NHRC

It deals with the preparation of software programmes for the Commission with the support of NIC.

2. The Powers and Duties of its Officers and Employees

The Commission functions as per the powers given to it under the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993.

3. Procedure Followed in the Decision Making Process, Including Channels of Supervision and Accountability:

The cases are, generally, processed at the Section / Desk level and the files are submitted to Under Secretary / Director / Joint Secretary / Secretary General / Chairperson, as per the requirement of each case.

In the Law Division: the cases are generally processed at the Section level and the files are submitted to Assistant Registrar (Law) / Deputy Registrar (Law) / Joint Registrar (Law) / Registrar (Law) / Members / Chairperson, as per the requirement of each case.

4. Norms Set By NHRC for the Discharge of its functions:

The complaints are prioritize and efforts are made to deal with the cases as expeditiously as possible in accordance with the rules, regulations and other instructions issued from time to time.

5. Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records, held by NHRC or Under its Control or Used by its Employees for Discharge of its Functions :

The Commission discharges its functions in accordance with the rules, regulations, instructions, manuals etc. issued by the Govt. of India and the Commission from time to time. And also as per the mandate given to it under the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. They are the following:

(a) PHRA, 1993
(b) Procedure Regulations
(c) R/Rs for all posts in the Commision
(d) Administrative functions are guided by Government Rules

6. Statements of the Categories of Documents that are held by NHRC or Under its Control:

Details of all the publications of the Commission are available on the web site. The documents held by the Commission include relevant files on subjects dealt with in the Commission and service documents of its officials.

7. Particulars of any arrangement that exists for Consulation with, or representation by the Member of the public in relation to the formulation of NHRC's Policy or implementation thereof; and statement of the Boards, Council, Committees and Other Bodies Consisting of two or more persons Constituted as NHRC's part or for the purpose of its advice :

The Commission holds public consultation with NGOs on important issues. Similarly, it also holds public hearings on important Human Rights issues. Members of the public have free access to the commission for ventilating their grievances for any human right issue under the PHRA, 1993.

8.Statement of the Committee etc.

  • List of Core Groups/ Expert Groups set up by the Commission are available on the web site.
  • Court decisions are in public domain.

9. Directory of NHRC's Officers and Employees:

It is already available on the web site. [Click here for details]

In addition, the number of officials of the level of SSP and below in the National Human Rights Commission is as given below:-

Name of the Post No of Posts
Director/ Senior Superintendent of Police / Joint Registrar (Law) 6
Deputy Secretary/Deputy Registrar (Law)/ Joint Director / Sr. Principal Private Secretary 6
Under Secretary / Principal Private Secretary / Assistant Registrar(Law) / Senior Systems Analyst / Deputy Director / Sr. Research Officer 25
Assistant Director/Sr.A.O./RO/Librarian & Document officer/ Systems Analyst 7
Section Officer / Private Secretary / DSP/AAO & equivalent 43
Programmer/Inspector/Sr. Translator/Sr. RA/Assistant / Personal Assistant & equivalent 87
Programmer Assistant/Accountants/R.A./Jr. Translator/ Dy. Document Officer & equivalent 12
Upper Division Clerk / Stenographer/Jr. Accountant/Assistant Librarian & equivalent 37
Lower Division Clerk / Staff Car Driver/Constable/Dispatch Rider & equivalent 46
MTS & equivalent 78

10. Monthly Remuneration received by each of its Officers and Employees, Including the system of Compensation as provided in its Regulations.

S. NoTitleDownload
1Pay Scale/Level as per 6th and 7th CPCDownload (765.29 KB) pdf

11.The Budget Estimates, Revised Estimates, VIS-A-VIS Expenditure since inception of NHRC

S. NoTitleDownload
1Year wise Budget Estimates, Revised Extimates and ExpenditureDownload (365.39 KB) pdf

12. The Manner of Executive of Subsidy Programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes :

There are no subsidy programmes being implemented by the Commission.

13. Particulars of Concessions, Permits or Authorizations Granted by IT :


14. Details in Respect of the Information, available to or held by NHRC, Reduced in an Electronic form :

All information pertaining to the Commission is available on the NHRC’s website : https://nhrc.nic.in


Facilitation Centre has been set up by the National Human Rights Commission

16. How to get information concerning NHRC under Right to Information Act, 2005.

(a) The Application for information can be submitted accompanied with IPO / DD / Cash for Rs.10/- drawn in favour of National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi.
(b) Nodal Officer

Sr.No Name Designation Details
1. Shri Mukesh Deputy Registrar (Law) For RTI applications and appeals.

(c) Public Information Officers

Sr.No Name of PIO/Designation Name of Link PIO/Designation Details
1. Shri Yuvraj, SSP Shri Vikram Harimohan Meena, SSP For RTI applications relating to Investigation Division
2. SO (R.U.-1 & 2) SO (R.U.-3 & 4) For RTI applications relating to Research Division -I & II
3. SO (R.U.-3 & 4) SO (R.U.-1 & 2) For RTI applications relating to Research Division -III & IV
4. SO(FC) SO(M-4) For RTI applications relating to Ful Commission Branch of Law Division.
5. SO(M-1 / M-3) SO(M-2) For RTI applications relating to M-1 & M-3 sections of Law Division.
6. SO(M-2) SO(M-1 / M-3) For RTI applications relating to M-2 section of Law Division.
7. SO(M-4) SO(FC) For RTI applications relating to M-4 section of Law Division.
8. SO(M-5) SO(M-6) For RTI applications relating to M-5 section of Law Division.
9. SO(M-6) SO(M-5) For RTI applications relating to M-6 section of Law Division.
10. AR (SB-1 & SB-2) AR (SB-3) For RTI applications relating to SB-1 & SB-2 sections of Law Division.
11. AR (SB-3 & SB-4) AR (SB-1 & SB-2) For RTI applications relating to SB-3 & SB-4 sections of Law Division.
12. SO(SB-5) Consultant (Law) (SB-6) For RTI applications relating to SB-5 section of Law Division.
13. Consultant (Law) (SB-6) SO(SB-5) For RTI applications relating to SB-6 section of Law Division.
14. SO (Corrd.) SO (GA) For RTI applications relating to Coordination Section and Library.
15. US (Estt.) US (R) / I/c Sr.AO For RTI applications relating to Establishment section.
16. SO (GA) SO (Coord.) For RTI applications relating to GA section.
17. US (R) / I/c Sr.AO. AAO For RTI applications relating to Accounts section.
18. DD(Media & Communication) AD(Publication) For RTI applications relating to Media, Communication and Publication section.
19. SSA SA For RTI applications relating to Computer Cell.
20. AD (P) US (Estt.) For RTI applications relating to Hindi section & Library.

(d) First Appellate Authorities (FAA)

Sr.No. Name/Designation of FAA Link FAA Details
1. Smt. Ilakkiya Karunagaran, SSP {l/c DIG} Shri Hari Lai Chouhan, SSP For RTI appeals pertaining to Investigation Division.
2. -- Lt Col Virender Singh, Director For RTI appeals pertaining to Administration Division and Training & Research Division.
3. Shri Indrajeet Kumar, Deputy Registrar(Law) Registrar(Law) For RTI appeals pertaining to FC Branch and Reporting Branches(M-1 to M-6) of Law Division.
4. -- Shri Mukesh, Deputy Registrar(Law) For RTI appeals pertaining to Scrutiny Branches (SB-1 to SB-6) of Law Division.
17. Information relating to foreign visits undertaken by Officers of the level of Deputy Secretary and above during 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 and post visit.
18. Chairperson and Members (Salaries, Allowances and other Condition of Service) Rules, 1993.
S. NoTitleDownload
1Chairperson and Members (Salaries, Allowances and other Condition of Service) Rules, 1993.Download (375.06 KB) pdf
19. Transparency report with respect of compliance under section 4 under RTI ACT 2005.
S. NoTitleDownload
1Transparency report with respect of compliance under section 4 under RTI ACT 2005Download (8.04 MB) pdf
2Details of Serving and Retired Chairpersons and Members of NHRCDownload (425.67 KB) pdf
3Bio Data of former Members of the CommissionDownload (160.21 KB) pdf
4Bio Data of serving SG,DG(I), Registrar(Law), Joint Secretary, DIGDownload (403.28 KB) pdf
5 Schemes/Guidelines-Engagement of Special Rapporteurs mentioning therein salaries/honorarium and allowances entitled(01.04.2010)Download (126.98 KB) pdf
6Schemes/Guidelines-Engagement of Special Rapporteurs mentioning therein salaries/honorarium and allowances entitled(01.05.2012)Download (129.12 KB) pdf
7Schemes/Guidelines-Engagement of Special Rapporteurs mentioning therein salaries/honorarium and allowances entitled (26.05.2015)Download (242.05 KB) pdf
8Schemes/Guidelines-Engagement of Special Rapporteurs mentioning therein salaries/honorarium and allowances entitled (Jan,2018)Download (212.95 KB) pdf
9Schemes/Guidelines-Engagement of Special Rapporteurs mentioning therein salaries/honorarium and allowances entitled (Sep. 2018)Download (209.51 KB) pdf
10Broad parameters for Assignments to be taken by the Special RapporteursDownload (162.06 KB) pdf
11Details of sanctioned posts of NHRC along with sanction ordersDownload (1.25 MB) pdf
12MHA vide their Gazette Notification dated 27th July has issued the Recruitment Rules 2020 of NHRC Officials for 44 postsDownload (2.69 MB) pdf
13Details of Serving and Retired Secretary General, Director General (Investigation), Registrar (Law), Joint Secretaries and DIGDownload (347.17 KB) pdf