Message of NHRC Chairperson, Mr. Justice Arun Mishra on the occasion of International Women’s Day

New Delhi, 08th March, 2022

“The NHRC, India joins the nation and the global fraternity in celebration of International Women’s Day today on 8th March, 2022 for ‘Gender Equality today for a sustainable tomorrow’.

It is necessary for all the sections of the society to have equal opportunities and access to their basic human rights, and more importantly the women, who constitute nearly half of the human resource the world over, necessary for achieving a sustainable development of nations.

The NHRC, India, in line with the spirit of the Constitution of India, is committed to always working towards creating requisite awareness about the importance of ensuring women’s rights. In India, women are placed on a higher pedestal; they are makers of the house and that of the nation.

The NHRC has continued to bring out constructive suggestions for filling up the gaps, if any, in the laws for the protection of women’s rights, including their right to lead life with equality and dignity. However, we have to treat women as equal partners from house to office.

The laws alone may not yield the results ensuring a just and equitable society. The women are equal in all respects and inherit in coparcenary equally with sons. It is required that they should dream big and try to achieve the same.

The health, nutrition and education aspects are of equal significance and should not be over looked by them in the spirit of sacrifice.

The Commission joins the global campaign on this important day, which reminds the societies world over for their obligations towards the promotion and protection of human rights of all, in particular with respect to women.

Jai Hind!
