Mr Justice A.K. Mishra NHRC, India Chairperson says, right to life should prevail over the rights of patent holders to meet shortage of Covid-19 vaccines and life saving drugs

New Delhi, 22/6/2021

Mr. Justice A.K.Mishra, Chairperson, NHRC, India addressing an online global meeting of Human Rights Council, HRC today said that the right to life should prevail over the rights of patent holders to ensure that the scarcity of the life saving drugs, medicines and vaccines relating to Covid-19 is overcome the world over and are made available to poor at affordable prices. He was addressing the Session on States response to Covid-19 pandemic.

Justice Mishra said that the world is facing the colossal loss caused by COVID-19. New challenges have emerged for protecting the life and livelihoods of the marginalized sections of the society, education has suffered, healthcare infrastructure fell short, families left destitute and children orphaned.

He said that the NHRC, India through its various interventions including Advidories has been trying to sensitive the systems of governance to deal with such an unprecedented situation. Even the dignity of the dead had to be taken care of by the NHRC India.

In his brief speech, the NHRC Chairperson touched several key issues and expressed concern how these were impacting human rights. These included, among others, on-linecommerce, which he said, has concentrated wealth in fewerhands. He also referred to the challenges of cross border terrorism and how the rehabilitation of its victims and drug peddling is lurking at large.

While cherishing the freedom of cyberspace, Justice Mishra cautioned that it should not to be misused to subvert the constitutional values.

Emphasizing that environmental issues are endangering human existence, he said that we have tounite to protect the Planet Earthfor next generation.We cannot afford to fail, stop or fear. We have to resolve a New Declaration to take care of the unprecedented situation.
