NHRC, India observes International Yoga Day

Press release

National Human Rights Commission

New Delhi: 21st June, 2024

NHRC, India observes International Yoga Day

NHRC, India Acting Chairperson, Smt Vijaya Bharathi Sayani leads senior officers and staff in performing Yoga

Describes Yoga as a scientific Sanatan Indian tradition not to be linked with religion

Says, Yoga should be practiced everyday not only for one’s own good but also for the universal peace

NHRC, India Acting Chairperson, Smt Vijaya Bharathi Sayani led the senior officers and staff of the Commission in performing Yoga on the occasion of International Yoga Day today. Earlier, addressing them, she said that Yoga is a ‘Sanatan’ Indian tradition, which has a scientific basis for ensuring good health and happiness of individuals and society. Yoga should be practiced everyday not only for one’s own good but also for the universal peace.


She highlighted how the Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s appeal at the 69th UN General Assembly for observing an International Yoga Day for the physical and mental well-being of people was adopted and now influenced the entire world. She said that Yoga should not be linked with religion. She said that the United Nation deciding to observe the International Yoga Day on 21st June every year is also very significant because it is the longest day for the Sun’s journey from east to west giving its maximum energy for life on the Earth.


Smt Vijaya Bharathi Sayani also briefly threw light on the various concepts of Yoga and different ancient Indian texts of wisdom including eight sutras given in Patanjali’s Ashtang Yoga including yamas (abstinences), niyama (observances), asana (posture), pranayama (breathing), pratyahara (withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption) which are key to practicing Yoga for overall well-being of people.

