Non-discrimination is the first condition for absolute respect for human dignity, says President, Mr. Ram Nath Kovind at NHRC’s Human Rights Day Function

Freedom of Speech is most cherished right but its extent in cyber space needs to be debated in the context of apprehension on its misuse, says NHRC Chairperson, Mr. Justice Arun Mishra

New Delhi, 10th December, 2021

The National Human Rights Commission, NHRC, India organized a function in New Delhi to celebrate Human Rights Day today on 10th December, 2021. Addressing it as the Chief Guest, the President of India, Mr. Ram Nath Kovind said that while non-discrimination is the first condition for absolute respect for human dignity, the world is beset with countless prejudices.

He said that Human Rights Day is the ideal occasion to ponder collectively and find ways to overcome such prejudices, which hinder the full realization of individuals’ potential, and thus are not in the interest of society as a whole.


The President of India said that on this Day, the world should also debate and discuss the ‘Right to a Healthy Environment and Climate Justice’. Expressing happiness over the initiatives taken by India at home as well as at the recently held global climate conference, he said that these will go a long way in restoring the health of the planet.

Mr. Kovind said that the human rights discourse is justifiably centred on rights but in India we have always understood, as Gandhiji often reiterated, that rights and duties are two sides of the same coin. Moreover, rights of individuals are not held to be absolute but have to be aligned with social context.


Lauding the work of the NHRC for ensuring the rights of the people affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic, the President said that several advisories issued by the Commission helped in improving the response. He also congratulated the Corona warriors for their heroic efforts in protecting people’s Right to Life and Right to Health during the worst pandemic in the history, which he said is not over yet.

Earlier, Mr. Justice Arun Mishra, Chairperson, NHRC, India said the ‘State’ is bound to provide facility to reach the minimum standards of health, education and economic opportunities. Each individual must share power, material, resources and opportunities without discrimination to achieve harmonious society. Tolerance and inclusion are non-negotiable human rights.


He said that it is necessary to provide remedy to the victims of unfair economic structure and business related human rights violations. Besides, all individuals have the bare minimum right to a safe, clean healthy environment. He said that our fundamental duty is to proactively save the environment, forest, flora and fauna to strengthen our ‘National Climatic Policy’.

The NHRC Chairperson said that the freedom of speech is the most cherished value and fundamental right to be protected. However, the extent of freedom of cyber space both online and offline is a matter of debate, as it has fuelled grave apprehension of its misuse, violating the sovereignty, integrity of the country, public order, decency and morality.

Acknowledging the contribution of India to the humanity during the Covid-19 Pandemic, he said that health coverage to all at affordable cost is a facet of the right to life. The world community needs to take a prompt collective action to ensure that the right of patent holders must succumb to the right to life.

Justice Mishra said that the recovery from the Pandemic is an opportunity to ensure more inclusive society, wherein even small vendors do not starve and the digital divide is overcome.

Justice Mishra said the rule of law requires the delivery of speedy justice. We must avoid imprisonment of a suspect without trial. There is no room for fake encounters. The Government is accountable to its people. The functioning of the Commission is of bridging gaps, ironing out the creases and helping in good governance by providing motions.

Mr. Shombi Sharp, UN Resident Coordinator in India said that India is a strong champion of human rights, which has reflected in many ways including in the strong democratic institutions, it has set up. He also read out the message of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Human Rights Day. The UN Secretary General in his message said that the United Nations “will continue to work for justice, equality, dignity and human rights for all.”

Mr. Bimbadhar Pradhan, Secretary General, NHRC, delivering the vote of thanks, said that the Commission will strive to meet the expectations through its work ensuring the justice to those, who are wronged in the issues of human rights. He quoted from the book of the President, ‘The Republican Ethic’ Vol-II, “We are Gandhiji’s children, we dream for all Humanity, even when we walk alone.…”, and described the collection of his speeches as a valued source of inspirational philosophy for human values.


On the occasion, three NHRC publications were also released. These included Hindi and English Journals carrying articles on various human rights issues by the experts and a report on ‘Women’s Rights in India’.

NHRC Members, Mr. Justice M.M. Kumar, Mrs. Jyotika Kalra, Dr. D.M. Mulay and Mr. Rajiv Jain, former Chairperson and Members of the Commission, Chairpersons and Members of the State Human Rights Commission, senior officers, Diplomats, civil society representatives, media persons, among others were present.
