NHRC, India takes suo motu cognizance of reported discrimination by Foxconn, a major manufacturer of Apple devices in excluding married women from job at its assembly plant in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu

Press release

National Human Rights Commission

New Delhi: 1st July, 2024

NHRC, India takes suo motu cognizance of reported discrimination by Foxconn, a major manufacturer of Apple devices in excluding married women from job at its assembly plant in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu

NHRC observes that the matter, if true, raises a serious issue of discrimination against married women causing the violation of the right to equality and equal opportunity

Issues notices to the Secretary, Union Ministry of Labour & Employment and the Chief Secretary, Govt. of Tamil Nadu seeking a detailed report within one week

The obligation of the state to ensure that all companies follow the norms and regulations relating to the labour laws and the right to health and dignity to individual

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), India has taken suo motu cognizance of media reports that Foxconn, a major manufacturer of Apple devices has systematically excluded married women from job at its iPhone assembly plant in Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu. It is alleged by a former HR Executive at Foxconn, India that verbal directions have been given to the Indian hiring agencies by the company in this regard. It is also stated that the company does not hire married women because of cultural issues and societal pressure.

The Commission has observed that the contents of the media reports, if true, raise a serious issue of discrimination against married women causing the violation of the right to equality and equal opportunity. Therefore, the Commission has issued notices to the Secretary, Union Ministry of Labour and Employment and the Chief Secretary, Government of Tamil Nadu calling for a detailed report in the matter within one week.

Issuing the notices, the Commission has noted the fact that gender equality is not only required in the Indian constitution but the international treaty and covenants, viz. International Covenant Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights also provide non-discrimination on the ground of gender in any form of employment. It is the obligation of the state authorities to ensure that all companies follow the norms and regulations relating to labour laws and the right to health and dignity to any individual, including women, who are working in the supply chain of any production unit of the private sector.

As per the media reports, carried on 26th June, 2024, a number of job seekers in the company were spoken to during the period January, 2023 to May, 2024 and the candidate information pamphlet of the company was examined. It was revealed that only unmarried women were eligible for assembly job while there was no mention in this regard in the advertisements made by the company. A WhatsApp chat between a married candidate and the hiring agency of the company was also quoted in the news report stating that when the candidate asked about the salary and childcare facility offered by the company, the response was ‘married not allowed’. The company, reportedly, refuted the allegations of discrimination in employment based on marital status, gender, religion or any other form.
