Bibliographic Information on Trafficking in Women and Children
National Human Rights Commission Library, New Delhi has compiled and consolidated information from various sources on Trafficking in Women and Children to help the users in literature survey of printed and electronic material available in the Library of the Commission and many important Libraries of Delhi. This Bibliography is available in the following form:-
NHRC Annual Reports Containing information on "Transplantation of Human Organs" | |
1995-1996 | Chapt. 2.7 Consolidating the Commissions role. p-5
Chapt.5.1 Rights of the Child. p 25-26 Chapt 5.5-5.8 Child Prostitution, Core Group Constituted. p 27-28 |
1996-1997 | Chapt. 3 Civil Liberties
Para 3.58 Reform of Short Stay Homes/Nari Niketans Chapt. 4.12 Implementation of treaties and other International Instruments. Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Person and of the exploitation of the Prostitution. p 35 Chapt. 5.14-18 Child Prostitution. p 41-42 Chapt. 7.3 Non-Governmental Organizations |
1997-1998 | Chapt 2.4 (iv) Strengthening the Commissions Capabilities. p 5
Chapt. 8.2 Upendra Baxi Vs. State of U. P. (Agra Protective Home). p 30 Chapt. 11.20 Seminar and Workshops. p 40 Chapt 11.31 Research. p 43 Chapt 12.4 Non-Governmental Organisation. p 44 Annexure I Practice Direction No. 8 Fast Track Movement of Urgent cases. p 92-93 |
1998-1999 | Chapt 8 Child Prostitution. p 35-36
Chapt 13.40 Research Programmes and Projects p 52 Chapt 16.16 Illustrative Cases: Sexual exploitation of Women : Rajasthan (Case No. 685/20/97-98) p 83 |
1999-2000 | Chapt. 2 Freedom From Discrimination
Para 2.14 -2.21 Discrimination based on gender p 7-9 Chapt 12.32 Research and Programmes and Projects. p 80 Chapt 16 Complaint before the Commission Education of Children of Sex Workers: Delhi (Case No. 16754/96-97/NHRC). p 133 Annexure 1 Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women p 158-62 Annexure 2 Committee on the rights of the Child. p 163-69 |
2000-2001 | Chapt 4.19 Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. p 45
Chapt 6.17-20 Focal Point on the Human Rights of Women, including matters relating to Trafficking. p 59-62 Chapt 11 Publications Para 11.31 Aruvocode Diary: A film on rehabilitation of former sex workers. p 96 |
2001-2002 | Chapt 5.16 Protocols to the Convention on the Rights the Child. p 52
Chapt 7 Rights of Women and Children Chapt 7 A Trafficking in women and children. p 64-66 Chapt 9.20- 9.23 Action Research on Trafficking in Women and Children. p 111-112 Para 9.37 Projects programmes. p 116 Chapt 10 Promotion of human rights literacy and awareness. Para 10.29 Publications and the Media. p 126 |
2002-2003 | Chapt 2 Ten years of the commission in retrospect
Para 2.30Rights of women and children. p 19 Chapt 5.15 Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. p 74 Chapt 7 Rights of women and children. p 86-94 Chapt. 10.31 Seminar and Workshops: Justice (Smt.) Sujata V. Manohar, Member, represented the Commission : Path breaking strategies in Global Fight against Sex Trafficking, Feb 2003 p 156 |
2003-2004 | Chapt 5.18 Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. p 54
Chapt 7 Rights of Women and Children Para 7 A Trafficking in Women and Children. p 71-75 Chapt 11.64 Film on human rights themes: Trafficking. p 155 Chapt 12 (B) Annual Meeting of Asia Pacific forum. p 160 Chapt 12 (F) NHRC India Nepal: Joint Report of combating cross border trafficking. p 166-169 Chapt 13.2 Non Governmental Organisation Increasing incidence of prostitution of children in Goa. p 170 Annexure 10 Statement of Chairperson NHRC to the 59th session of the Commission of Human Rights, Geneva, April 2003, p 285-89 |
2004-2005 | Chapt 8 Para 8.3-815 Rights of women and children. p 115-120
Chapt 12 Research Studies and Project. Para 12.2 12.7 Action Research on Trafficking in women and children in India. p 155-57 Chapt 13 Promotion of human rights literacy and awareness. Para 13.17-25 Training Programme. p 172-74 Chapt 14 International Cooperation. Para 14.12 Regional Workshop on National Laws to combat Trafficking, Colombo, May 2004 p 179 Annexure 10 Recommendation of the National Workshop to review the implantation of laws and policies related to trafficking: Towards an effective rescue and post rescue strategy. P 258-264 Annexure 12 Recommendations and suggestions of the Action Research on Trafficking in Women and Children in India. p 269-303 Annexure 13 List of Training Programmes conducted during 2004-2005p 304-07 Annexure 17 Seventh International conference of National Institution for promotion and protection of human rights, Seoul, September 2004. p 324-330 |
2005-2006 | Chapt 8 Rights of women and children. p 125-128
Para 8.6-12 National Seminar on Trafficking in Human Beings. p 125-128 Chapt 13 Promotion of Human Rights Literacy and Awareness. Para 13.20 13.22 Human Rights Training. p 187-191 Chapt 14 International Cooperation Chapt 14.18 Workshop Trafficking organized by Asia Pacific Forum of National Institutions. p 195 Chapt 17 Review of laws, implementation of treaties and other international instruments. Para 17.10 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. p 207-08 Annexure 8 Plan to action to prevent and end trafficking in women and children in India. p 250-56 Annexure 13 Regional workshop on human trafficking, Sydney, November 2005 p 280-289 |
2006-2007 | Chapt 8 Rights of women and children.
Para 8.2-8.8 NHRCs Plan of Action to prevent and end trafficking in women and children in India. p 107-108 Annexure I Action taken Report from States on plan of Action to prevent and end trafficking in women and children in India. p 209-210 |
S. No | Title | Download |
1 | Centre/States Acts and Rules on Trafficking | Download (39.07 KB) ![]() |
2 | International/Regional Instruments | Download (26.95 KB) ![]() |
3 | Judgments of Supreme Court on Trafficking | Download (14.1 KB) ![]() |
In addition to indexing of information, bibliography provides Website addresses for the Full Text available on Central legislation Conventions/Instruments, Supreme Court Judgements & Orders on Trafficking and Annual Reports/Documents/Cases of National Human Rights Commission, India available on Internet.