Bibliographic Information on HIV/AIDS


National Human Rights Commission Library, New Delhi has compiled and consolidated information from various sources on HIV/AIDS to help the users in literature survey of printed and electronic material available in the Library of the Commission and many important Libraries of Delhi. This Bibliography is available in the following form:-

(1) Human Rights Issues

(a) Programme on Human Rights Issues HIV/AIDS (NHRC, Web Page Human Rights Issues)

(b) Right to Health

(2) Recommendations on HIV/AIDS

See Annual Report, 2001-2002 Annexure 6. p 350-57.

(3) Integrated Plan of Action to Prevent and Combat Human Trafficking with Special Focus On Children and Women.

(4) NHRCs Plan of Action to Prevent and end Trafficking in Women & Children.

(5) National Conference on Human Rights and HIV/AIDS held in New Delhi on Nov 24th25th, 2000.

(6) Publications

Know Your Rights : A Booklet on HIV/AIDS.

NHRC Annual Reports Containing information on HIV/AIDS


Chapt. 10 Human Rights and AIDS

Para 10.1 10.6 p 33

Annexure XII Para 25 Forcible Testing of Suspected Aids Patients p 137.


Chapt. 13.40 Research Programmes & Projects

Commission Setup a Chair at National Institution for Human Rights Research and Documentation (IHRERD) to Study Imminent Problem Connected with Spread of HIV Infection, Human Rights, Privacy and Dignity of HIV Positive Persons p 51.

Annexure III Prisoner Health Care : Performa Health Screening of Prisoners on admission to Jail p 109.


Chapt. 3.62 Premature Release of Life Term Prisoners Eligibility Criteria for Pre-Mature Release p 32-33.


Chapt. 5 - Right to Health Second National Conference on Human Rights and AIDS, Nov 24th 25th, 2000 p 52.

Annexure 5 - Conclusions /Recommendations of the National Conference on HIV/AIDS p 232-235.


Capt. 6 Right to Health Para 6 B.7-8 HIV/AIDS and Human Rights p 62.

Chapt. 9.37 - Projects/Programmes Public Health and Human Rights Including Rights of those affected by HIV/AIDS p 116.

Chapt. 10.44 - Participation at a Workshop of HIV/AIDS and Human Rights, Melbourne, October 8th , 2001 p 131.

Annexure 6. Recommendations on HIV/AIDS p 350-57.


Chapt. 2.28 Ten Years of the Commission

Para 2.28 Commission held National Consultation on HIV/AIDS in Nov. 2000 p 19.

Chapt. 7.4 Rights of Women and Children p 87.

Chapt. 10.45 Visits on behalf of the Commission. Follow-up Action on the Commissions Report on HIV/AIDS p 160.


Chapt. 6 Right to Health

Para 6 G HIV/AIDS and Human Rights p 68-70.

Chapt. 11.56 - Know Your Rights : Booklet on HIV/AIDS p 153.

Chapt. 13.7 Financial help to Special Rapporteur for holding Workshop on HIV/AIDS in Cuttack, April 20th , 2003.


Chapt. 2.22 An Overview p 8.

Chapt. 7 Right to Health.

Para 7 B.14 Public Hearing on Right to Health Care p102.

Para TD.22 25 Human Rights and HIV/AIDS p 106.

Chapt. 13.31 Publication HIV/AIDS p 175.

Chapt. 18.11 Publications : National Conference on Human Rights and HIV/AIDS p 193.

Annexure 8 Recommendations of Regional Public Hearing on Right to Health Care and National Action Plan p 225.

Annexure 9 Letter of the Chairperson 6th September, 2004 to Chief Ministers regarding protection of Human Rights of Children Infected / Affected by HIV/AIDS p 256 257.

Annexure 12 Recommendations and Suggestions of the Action Research on Trafficking in Women and Children in India Minimum Standards p 270-271.

Annexure 14 Statement of Chairperson, NHRC at 60th Session of the Commission on Human Rights at Geneva on 14th April, 2004 p 308.


Chapt. 5 Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

Para 5.8 Core Group on Health and Public Hearing on Health 104 105.


Chapt. 7.31-33 HIV / AIDS and Human Right p 98.

Para 7.32 Film and Video Spot on the Rights of Person Affected by HIV/AIDS p 98.


Chapt 5.12 Visits to Jails Page 64

Provision of medical facilities Page 66

S. NoTitleDownload
1 Centre/States Acts and Rules on HIV/AIDSDownload (32.25 KB) pdf
2International/Regional InstrumentsDownload (18.64 KB) pdf
3Judgments of Supreme Court on HIV/AIDSDownload (5.54 KB) pdf

In addition to indexing of information, bibliography provides Website addresses for the Full Text available on Central Legislation, International Conventions/Instruments, Supreme Court Judgments & Orders on HIV/AIDS and Annual Reports/Documents/Cases of National Human Rights Commission, India available on Internet.