Press Release Archive

E.g., 07/18/2024
E.g., 07/18/2024
क्रम संख्या Article_ID नाम Release Date
751 34741 NHRC to DGP Uttar Pradesh, DM, SP and Chitrakoot prison authorities: Submit action taken report in the Chitrakoot jail shootout incident resulting in three deaths (18.05.2021) 18-May-2021
752 34740 राष्ट्रीय मानव अधिकार आयोग के दृढ़तापूर्ण हस्तक्षेप के कारण उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार ने बादां में अपहरण तथा बलात्कार के मामले में एफआईआर दर्ज की और दोषी पुलिसकर्मियों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई की : पीड़िता को राहत के तौर पर 5 लाख रुपये का भुगतान भी किया। 17-May-2021
753 34739 Persistence of NHRC results in UP government registering FIR in a case of kidnapping and rape in Banda and action against the erring police personnel: Also Rs 5 lakh paid as relief to the victim 17-May-2021
754 34738 राष्‍ट्रीय मानव अधिकार आयोग द्वारा केन्‍द्र एवं राज्‍यों को मृतकों की गरिमा एवं अधिकारों को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए एडवाइजरी जारी। 15-May-2021
755 34737 NHRC issues Advisory to the Centre and States to ensure dignity and the rights of the dead (14.05.2021) 14-May-2021
756 34736 गंगा नदी में तैरते हुए पाए गए अनेक शवों के विषय में प्राप्‍त शिकायत पर राष्‍ट्रीय मानव अधिकार आयोग द्वारा केन्‍द्र तथा उत्‍तर प्रदेश एवं बिहार शासन को नोटिस जारी। 13-May-2021
757 34735 NHRC issues notices to the Centre and Uttar Pradesh and Bihar Governments over the complaint about several dead bodies found floating in the Ganga River 13-May-2021
758 34734 राष्‍ट्रीय मानव अधिकार आयोग द्वारा सिविल सोसायटी संगठनों एवं मानव अधिकार संरक्षकों के साथ बैठक में कोविड महामारी से निपटने के लिए एक प्रभावी साझा प्रतिक्रिया प्रणाली को मजबूत करने पर ध्‍यान केन्द्रित किया गया (11.05.2021) 12-May-2021
759 34733 NHRC meeting with civil society organizations and human rights defenders focuses on forging ties for a collective effective response to deal with Covid-19 pandemic (11.05.2021) 11-May-2021
760 34732 NHRC re-emphasizes expeditious implementation of its 2.0 Covid-19 Advisory by the Centre and States (11.05.2021) 11-May-2021
761 34731 NHRC issues Human Rights Advisory 2.0 on Right to Health in view of the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic 05-May-2021
762 34730 NHRC takes cognizance of alleged Post-poll violence in West Bengal and orders Investigation fact-finding team to conduct spot enquiry 04-May-2021
763 34729 Mr. Justice P.C. Pant, Member, NHRC appointed as the Acting Chairperson of the Commission 03-May-2021
764 34728 NHRC to U.P. Government: Take action for the release of an innocent person imprisoned in mistaken identity in Azamgarh; pay Rs 3 lakh as relief to him and report the action taken against the guilty police personnel 28-Apr-2021
765 34727 NHRC not satisfied with the action of the Telangana authorities, recommends release and rehabilitation of a minor bonded labour girl 27-Apr-2021
766 34726 NHRC commissions research studies on the six key issues of human rights to be completed within a year 23-Apr-2021
767 34725 NHRC research study on Social Security and Health Rights of Migrant Workers in India gives several recommendations to the Centre and State Governments 20-Apr-2021
769 34723 NHRC recommendations result in payment of Rs Eight lakh by the Government of Odisha and action against the two teachers for negligence in a case of food poisoning of school children in Maliguda (09.04.2021) 09-Apr-2021
770 34722 On NHRC recommendations, the Govt. of Jharkhand pays Rs. 1 lakh in a case of death on allegations of starvation 09-Apr-2021
771 34721 NHRC notices to the Chief Secretary, and the Director General of Police, Rajasthan over complaints of exponential increase in the incidents of crime against women in the State 26-Mar-2021
772 34720 NHRC notices to the DGP, Uttar Pradesh over reported arrest of ten people in a false case by the policemen when asked to pay for food they consumed at an eatery in Etah District (25.03.2021) 25-Mar-2021
773 34719 Unfilled vacancies in the NHRC and SHRCs a matter of concern, says Mr Justice P.C. Pant, Member, NHRC 19-Mar-2021
774 34718 NHRC asks the Government of Madhya Pradesh to pay in full its recommended amount of Rs. one lakh as relief to the five tribal men victims of police atrocity in Alirajpur District 18-Mar-2021
775 34717 NHRC notices to the Chief Secretary and DGP, Uttar Pradesh over reported death of five persons in an open septic tank in Agra 18-Mar-2021
