Besides the regular summer and winter internship programme which are held in May-June and December-January every year, NHRC also offers opportunities throughout the year except during months of May-June and December-January, to students from various streams especially from law stream, to have attachment with the Commission in batches on short-term basis for a period of 15 days. During the internship, the students are exposed to the functioning of various divisions of the Commission. They are also made aware of the process of complaints being attended to by the Commission as well as other issues being taken up. Allowing them interaction with the complainants also is an important feature.
Applications are invited from students for Short-term Internship as per above guidelines. Interested students may send their applications along with following documents :
- List of students shortlisted for Online Short-term Internship (March, 2025)
Download(800.43 KB)
- Announcement of online short term internship programme OSTI from 03.03.2025 to 13.03.2025
Download(1.1 MB) Apply Online
- Guidelines for Online Application
Download(381.31 KB)
Contact Person :
Senior Research Officer (Training) Unit
Training Division
National Human Rights Commission
Room No. 214, Manav Adhikar Bhawan Block-C, GPO Complex,
INA, New Delhi - 110023
Ph. +91-11- 24663283, 24663371