

  • Engagement of Young Professionals as 'Legal Research Consultants' on a contract basis, in the National Human Rights Commission
  • Educational visits of NHRC by Universities & Colleges
  • NHRC has issued advisory on Protection of Human Rights of the Widows. To view advisory visit Activities->Advisories->Other Advisories
  • NHRC has announced NHRC’s Short Film Competition – 2024. The entries received after the 30th of August 2024, will not be entertained.

HRCNet Portal

HRCNet Portal

Announcement of online short term internship programme OSTI from 17.09.2024 to 30.09.2024

click here

Complaints Statistics

Cases received / processedJuly, 2024 (As per an early estimate)
6,718 fresh cases received
5,895 cases disposed (Fresh + Old)
7,972 cases under consideration (Fresh + Old)
Current Year (FY 2024-25)
25,217 cases received